[patch] Re: Fwd: thinkpad and synaptics igor: fixed whitespace

Bas Smeelen b.smeelen at ose.nl
Wed Dec 19 13:18:44 UTC 2012

On 12/19/2012 05:44 AM, Eitan Adler wrote:
> Someone want to turn this into an FAQ patch?

Fixed whitespace issues

I have not tested this yet, but I will tonight at home on my laptop.

I have omitted the line moused_nondefault_enabled="YES" in /etc/rc.conf as 
mentioned in the ports/148591 because this is default, but I made sure to 
mention that moused_enable="YES" should not be present in /etc/rc.conf 
because this will be when chosen so in bsdinstall.

Maybe this can be moved to the laptops article later on and have the FAQ 
refer to it?
This could be done for all laptop specific items in the FAQ?

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Demelier <demelier.david at gmail.com>
> Date: 18 December 2012 02:35
> Subject: Re: thinkpad and synaptics
> To: Zoran Kolic <zkolic at sbb.rs>
> Cc: freebsd-stable at freebsd.org
> If you plan to use the Xorg synaptics driver you *must* remove
> moused_enable from rc.conf, Xorg can't use the synaptics mouse if the
> moused already sits on the /dev/psm0 device. This is not really well
> documented, tough.
> I've sent a PR to document pkg-message for xf85-input-synaptics but it has
> never been checked, http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/148591
> See the documentation in the patch.txt, it should works.
> Regards
> 2012/12/17 Zoran Kolic <zkolic at sbb.rs>
> ...
>>> In rc.conf:
>>>      moused_enable="YES"
>>> in loader.conf:
>>>      hw.psm.synaptics_support="1"
>> OK. I know it is writen zillion times and it still does not
>> work for me. It is thinkpad e320, amd64, 9.1, kms. I had a
>> lot of problems regarding fonts and non working vertical
>> scroll on the pad. What I did:
>> put synaptics_support
>> run moused
>> changed xorg.conf in a million ways
>> This xorg.conf is similar to mine. I also have psm0 in /dev/
>> spite I have no loader.conf option right now. I assume that
>> installing xf86 synaptics did the job. Simply, it does not
>> scroll, with this configuration.
>> I might need to rest a day or two, to sleep and to read more.
>> Best regards and, once more, thanks all for help.
>>                             Zoran

-------------- next part --------------
Index: en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml
--- en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	(revision 40429)
+++ en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	(working copy)
@@ -5752,6 +5752,45 @@
+	  <qandaentry>
+	<question id="x-and-synaptic">
+	  <para>My laptop has a Synaptics touchpad.  Can I use
+	    it in X?</para>
+	</question>
+	<answer>
+	  <para>Yes, you will have to configure a few things to
+	    make it work.</para>
+	  <para>If you plan to use the Xorg synaptics driver you
+	    <emphasis>must</emphasis> remove moused_enable from
+	    <filename>rc.conf</filename>.  Xorg can not use
+	    the synaptics mouse if the moused already sits on
+	    <filename>/dev/psm0</filename>.</para>
+	  <para>To enable synaptics in the &man.psm.4 driver you need
+	    to add the following into
+	    <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>:</para>
+	  <programlisting>hw.psm.synaptics_support="1"</programlisting>
+	  <para>You also need the following into your
+	    <filename>xorg.conf</filename> :</para>
+	  <programlisting>Section "InputDevice"
+Identifier  "Touchpad0"
+Driver      "synaptics"
+Option      "Protocol" "psm"
+Option      "Device" "/dev/psm0"
+	  <para>And be sure to add the following into the
+	    <quote>ServerLayout</quote> section :</para>
+	  <programlisting>InputDevice    "Touchpad0" "SendCoreEvents"</programlisting>
+	</answer>
+      </qandaentry>
 	<question id="no-remote-x11">
 	  <para>How do I use remote X displays?</para>

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