scr2png in 720x400

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Oct 12 01:37:34 UTC 2011

On Tue, 11 Oct 2011, Xin LI wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Warren Block <wblock at> wrote:
>> Is there any way to get scr2png to create a 720x400 image from a 'vidcontrol
>> -p' capture?  Different fonts, maybe?
>> I'm trying to match screenshots made from a real system to those made from a
>> VirtualBox VM.  The real system makes 640x400 PNGs, while the VirtualBox
>> image captures are 720x400 with better-looking fonts.
> I think you have to use a different font (the system only supplied
> 8x16, 8x14 and 8x8 fonts and for 720x400 you want 9x16 fonts).

The odd thing is that the VM reports that it's in the same video mode as 
the real system, 640x400.  Yet the actual bitmap captured is 720x400 
plus VM window borders.

> If I remember correctly, VGA would duplicate the rightmost column if 
> the character's code is between 0xB0 through 0xDF (this is hardcoded 
> knowledge about the so-called graphical characters) and for other 
> characters, that column is left blank.  Perhaps we need to implement 
> that in scr2png?

An alternative would be to take .scr files and load them back into the 
the screen on another system for screen shots.

It finally occurred to me to ssh from the VM to the real system, and 
continue to grab screen shots off the VM.  That only works when the real 
hardware is running sshd.

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