FreeBSD web build failed on

Manolis Kiagias sonic2000gr at
Sun Nov 13 06:19:40 UTC 2011

On 13/11/2011 8:13 πμ, Glen Barber wrote:
> On 11/13/11 1:04 AM, Manolis Kiagias wrote:
>> On 13/11/2011 3:51 πμ, Glen Barber wrote:
>>>> /usr/local/bin/jade:/w/www/build/relnotes/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/article.sgml:801:18:E:
>>>> general entity "man.mps.4" not defined and no default entity
>>>> /usr/local/bin/jade:/w/www/build/relnotes/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/hardware/article.sgml:805:18:E:
>>>> start tag for "LISTITEM" omitted, but its declaration does not permit
>>>> this
>>>> *** Error code 1
>>> I've just reverted r227466 to stop these build failure notices for now.
>> It seems this was due to mps(4) missing from man-refs.ent and I just
>> added it.
>> You may wish to redo the svn part as I don't have an svn tree available
>> at the moment.
> Hi Manolis,
> In this case, mps(4) appears to be fixed (thanks, again), however
> mvs(4), as far as I can see, is still a problem with nested '.Bl/.El' tags.

Ah, OK.
I am afraid I am unable to test, I was baffled yesterday as to why the 
official build was broken while mine on wasn't. Then 
I realized I wasn't building release notes. And my build takes almost 
three hours on the lowly Atom...

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