Additional rc.conf example for: 31.6 Link Aggregation and Failover

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 4 20:33:42 UTC 2011

Hi Erik,

On Thu, 4 Aug 2011, Erik Schwartz wrote:

> Handbook section "31.6 Link Aggregation and Failover" is well-written
> and helpful, but (IMO) suffers from a deficiency of useful rc.conf
> examples. It currently contains only one, and the one it contains is an
> (again, IMO) unusual use case.
> May I provide a second, working rc.conf example? If so, what are the
> steps to do so?

We actually just got a PR a few days ago from someone who had trouble with 
the LACP case and would probably have benefitted from another example.
(This is )
If you're willing to provide a patch for another example, or even just the 
example itself, that would be useful.  Email to this list is probably 
sufficient for submitting the example; if you want to learn how to submit 
a nicely formatted patch that makes our life a bit easier, is a starting point for links.

I'm pretty overworked for the next week or two, but if it hasn't been 
patchified by someone else by then, I'll come back and take a look.


Ben Kaduk

> Alternatively, I could adapt my working snippet so that it matches the
> scenario (interface names, IP addresses, etc.) in "Example 31-1".
> Best regards -
> -- 
> Erik Schwartz <schwartz.erik.c at> | GPG key 6F4A13EF
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