Video captions in doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/captions

Murray Stokely murray at
Mon Mar 8 08:11:39 UTC 2010

As you may have noticed I've checked in caption files for 13 technical
videos from a variety of BSD Conferences over the last 4 years posted

I checked in the transcripts in the hopes that others on this list
might be motivated to help improve any additional errors in the
transcripts and also perhaps contribute translated versions of the
captions that I can then upload back to YouTube.

If anyone is interested in improving the captions, or translating
these into additional languages please let me know.  My main request
is that you not make any mechanical changes to the .sbv transcript
files without watching the associated videos.

I would be interested in knowing if anyone has recent experience with
the Google Translator Toolkit for translating technical materials.  It
seems like a very useful tool for building up a short FreeBSD specific
technical dictionary and then using the tool to automatically
translate the caption files.

      - Murray

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