I Visited Your Website and Had a Question...

Tim Stewart Tim at peaksearchengineranking.net
Wed Feb 3 19:09:17 UTC 2010

Hello, my name is Tim Stewart and I am an internet marketing specialist.  I Googled the word Islip Mortgages and your website http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-doc/2009-February/015587.html came up and is currently ranked 107 for that term. 

This means one of TWO THINGS: 

The key word is not applicable for your website and Google is spot-on with their low ranking.  What about YOUR desired key words?  Are you ranking where you want for YOUR key words?  When was the last time you checked?  Respond to this email - and we'll do the research and report the results to you.
This is a valid term and NO ONE IS FINDING YOU.   

Ready for the 30 Second Commercial?! 

Our company is SearchEngineRanking.Net and we specialize in helping niche website owners rank high on the Search Engine pages.  We do this the old fashioned - white hat way- and it's proven to provide long lasting results.  

We have a very simple method of proving that our process works and you won't need to give us anything upfront but a chance to earn your business. We will let you use our ranking service for 30 days  - we won't even ask for a credit card.  Nothing beats seeing the results with your own eyes. 

If you like the results we provide, the fee to continue with the service is $299 per month. 80% of our clients see top search engine results in 4-6 months. And most important - THEY STAY THERE.  Isn't this where you want to be?  We will work on up to 4 keywords at a time and will help you select the most relevant terms to use.   

This is a true pay for performance offer with no downside risk.

If you would like to gain an understanding of the process we use to increase your organic RANKINGS please respond to this email to learn about our white-hat methods.  

Act now and we will perform a thorough website consultation to verify that your website is optimized and ready to rank higher with the search engines. 

Wait there's more!  (Have I used my 30 Seconds yet??)

In addition you will receive a complete analysis of your two primary competitors showing the key words they are using to rank higher along with all of their Pay Per Click advertisements.

OK...I'm DONE!! 


Respond to this email - Let's get started! 

Tim Stewart
Toll Free: 866-225-0386

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