Home page font size problem

Fabian Keil freebsd-listen at fabiankeil.de
Sat Dec 25 11:06:54 UTC 2010

Doug Barton <dougb at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

> I usually have firefox set to a minimum font size of 12. With that 
> setting I get this for the grey navbar at the top of the home page:
> http://dougbarton.us/home-page.png  (I tried the obvious solution of 
> reducing my font size, but the only reason that's readable at all atm is 
> because I'm using a large screen.)

That's one of many known problems with the "new" layout:

> Is there a way to fix that so that it doesn't wrap? I looked at the 
> source of the page but got lost in the CSS maze.

I'm using the following Privoxy filter as a workaround:

FILTER: freebsd.org Hides some design bugs that show up if you are using slightly different browser settings than the "designer".
s@</head>@<style type="text/css">\n\
 /* Style sheet inserted by Privoxy's freebsd.org filter */\n\
 body {width: auto; font-size: 100%; min-font-size: 0.8em /*CSS3*/}\n\
 /* Lots of braindead margings that try to\n\
  * shift the content out of the viewport.\n\
  * This width works for me, but as the margins\n\
  * scale with the font-size, it's not a real solution\n\
  * and the margins should be fixed instead */\n\
 body.SECT1, body.ARTICLE {width: 80%}\n\
 \#containerwrap, \#CONTAINERWRAP {width: auto;}\n\
 \#headercontainer, \#HEADERCONTAINER {width: auto;\n\
  /* Makes horizontal scrollbar for the PR pages less likely\n\
   * but causes some white space if the TOPNAVLIST needs more\n\
   * than one line */\n\
 \#container, \#CONTAINER {width: auto;}\n\
 \#contentwrap, \#CONTENTWRAP {padding-left: 0.5em;}\n\
 \#TOPNAVLIST, \#topnavlist { background-color: \#eee; height: auto; opacity: 0.7; \n\
  /* In case it doesn't fit on one line. Only tested in Firefox. \n\
   * If it causes scrollbars, the browser is broken. */\n\
  width: 100.5% }\n\
 \#TOPNAV, \#topnav {width: auto;}\n\
 \#TOPNAV ul, \#topnav ul {text-align: center;}\n\
 \#SIDENAV, \#sidenav {padding-left: 0.1em; width: auto; clear:both;}\n\
 /* Color doesn't match exactly, but at\n\
  * least it keeps the search button text visible */\n\
 \#SUBMIT, \#submit {background-color: \#7b0000 !important;}\n\
 em, pre, tt {font-size: 1em; /* ridiculous */}\n\
 .mfield, .replyblock {width: auto;}\n\
 \#footer, \#FOOTER {width: auto; padding-left: 0.5em;}\n\
 td .content {width:auto; overflow: visible}\n\
 \#search, \#SEARCH, \#SEARCHNAV, \#seachnav {padding-right: 0.1em}\n\
 \#SEARCHNAVLIST li:first-child, \#searchnavlist li:first-child {display: none; /* Broken links */}\n\
 \#content, \#CONTENT {padding-left: 0.8em; padding-right: 0.8em; width: auto;}\n\
 \#MIRRORSEL, \#mirrorsel, \#FRONTNEMSCONTAINER, \#frontnemscontainer {width: 100%;}\n</style>\n$0 at i

I gave up on trying to get that fixed at the source years ago ...

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