Kernel Building Documentation for 8.1-REL

Marc Fonvieille blackend at
Mon Aug 30 08:32:53 UTC 2010

On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 06:53:24PM -0500, J D wrote:
> Greetings FreeBSD Team!
> I'm having difficulty building and installing a new kernel while following the handbook:
> it appears that this page especially is out of date.  It only mentions the requirement of ssys and sbase distribution sets, but much googling (as I run into each problem) suggests that more sets of sources are necessary.  I eventually installed them all, because I don't know which are necessary.  Another page that could use some help is the description of the configuration file:
> as it no longer matches the config file in i386 very closely.
> I (and probably many others) would appreciate if these pages were corrected.  Pretty please? :)

Yes, some parts need to be updated.  Could you please fill-in a PR about
that, it helps us to keep a track of things.


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