PC Tools September Newsletter

PC Tools newsletter at email.pctools.com
Tue Sep 22 01:53:12 UTC 2009

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   Combat new and unknown threats with the right knowled= ge
   If you are unable to see the images, add the domain @email.pc   tools.com to your Safe Sender list or [1]view online
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   Improving our "security s= avvy" continued......

   In this edition we'll be covering:

   [3]Heuristics= - Psychology 101?

   [4]Blog Safa= ri – stay in touch with what's happening in the

   [5]PC Tools a= t 2009 Virus Bulletin Conference

   Heuristics - Psychology 101?

   No, this isn't an introductory Psychology lesson! Heuristics is a
   term= used to describe the different types of anti-malware
   technology. Anti-M= alware technology comes in two main forms,
   signature and behavioral based = protection.

   Signature based protection

   PC Tools use a variety of signature types, the most effective being
   ge= neric or smart Sliding Fit Signatures (SFS).

   Generic signatures can detect numerous malware files with one
   signature= . This is achieved through the analysis work of the PC
   Tools research te= am. They focus on malware families, looking in
   collected sample files fo= r similar code that malware files in the
   same family have in common. Thi= s means PC Tools can effectively
   detect threats known to frequently modify= and so catering for the
   significant number of threat variants in the wild= . This technology
   is present in [6]Spyware Doctor™, [7]Spyware Doctor with
   AntiVirus and [8]PC Tools Internet Security™ and delivers
   bett= er protection against the latest threat outbreaks.
   [=]    [sec=]   Important Tip: S= chedule regular Smart Updates and keep your
   subscription up-to-date to ens= ure you have the latest signatures to
   identify malware.   [sec=]

   Behavioral Protection

   Behavioral protection analyzes the processes at the system level of
   yo= ur PC, constantly monitoring for suspicious activity. If
   detected the pr= ocess is immediately terminated and quarantined.
   [9]ThreatFire™<= /a> with ActiveDefense Technology is our
   behavioral based protecti= on. It's used in [10]Spyware D= octor and
   [11]PC Tools Intern= et Security providing you with proactive
   protection against Zero-Day at= tacks. Ideally a combination of
   Signature and Behavioral Protect= ion is your strongest defense
   against cybercrimin= als.
   [=]    [sec=]   Important Tip: T= he majority of malware enters your PC via
   the internet so effective browse= r protection like PC Tools Browser
   Defender is essential!   [sec=]

   Blog Safari – stay in to= uch with what's happening in the

   If you want to pick up interesting ideas, tips and tricks, the latest
   = threat news or just connect with like-minded PC users, here's a list
   of Bl= ogs we regularly update to help you stay in touch with what's
   happening in= the wild:

   ThreatFire blog managed by Kurt Baumgartner

   ThreatExpert blog managed by Sergei Shevchenko

   iAntiVirus blog managed by Erwin Varona

   PC Tools at 2009 Virus Bulletin = Conference

   The [15]Virus Bulletin 2009, is one of the most informative
   anti-malware annu= al conferences running since 1991, is being held in
   Geneva, Switzerland th= is year. Our own Kurt Baumgartner from the
   [16]PC Too= ls ThreatFire research team will be presenting for a third
   year. Kur= t will be presenting on the topic "[17]AntiRE En Masse"
   discussing anti reversing techniques= documented in Peter Ferrie's
   recent set of papers published in multiple V= irus Bulletin magazines
   over the past year. Kurt will be discussing Wale= dac, Koobface,
   Taterf/Gamepass, and other "crimeware” nailed = by ThreatFire
   on a daily basis.

   P.S. Don't miss out on your opportunity to test run our 2010
   Securi= ty Product Release by registering to participate in the Beta
   Release. Ju= st click on the banner above and submit your email
   address and we'll conta= ct you with instructions when the Beta is
   3D"" 3D""
   Top Threats
   Below are some of the latest threats identi= fied by PC Tools
   [18]Malwa= re Research Center:
   The above infections can = be detected and cleaned using [23]= PC
   Tools Internet Security or [24]Spyware Doctor with AntiVirus.
   3D"" 3D""
   ="" ="" ="" = ="" ="" =""
   ="" <= /td> = ="" =""
   3D"" [25]Spyware Doctor(TM) with AntiVirus 3D"" [26]Registry
   M= echanic(TM)
   3D"" [27]PC Tools In= ternet Security(TM) 3D"" [28]Desktop
   =    3D""
   This message was intended for 'doc at freebsd.org'
      You have received this message because you are subscribed to 'PC Tool   s newsletter and special promotions'.[29]
   Update your= subscriptions | [30]Unsubscribe | To contact us pl   ease email [31]reply-newsletter at em= ail.pctools.com

   PC T= ools Limited
   Brookvale Plaza, East Park, Shannon, Co. Clar= e, Ireland.
   Copyright © 2009 PC Tools. All rights reserved.


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