A misunderstanding in FreeBSD Handbook

Jan Oppolzer jan.oppolzer at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 09:24:15 UTC 2009


in my opinion, there's a little mistake in FreeBSD Handbook in section 24.3 
Portsnap: A Ports Collection Update Tool [1] which can confuse mainly 
newcomers in FreeBSD.

If portsnap was run previously then after 'portsnap fetch' should be executed 
'portsnap update' (as noted in 'man portsnap') instead of 'portsnap extract' 
which is said in the handbook.

At the end there's written to execute 'portsnap fetch update' to run both 
processes consecutively, but it was stated to run 'fetch' and then 'extract'. 
Which is misleading.

I guess it'd be a good idea to mention differences in "extract" and "update" or 
at least mention they exist and to read manual page for more information which 
one to use and when.

[1] http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/updating-upgrading-

Best regards,
Jan Oppolzer

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