docs/135316: [patch][doc] Add 'make installworld' section to jails-build.html

Glen Barber gjb35 at
Sun Jun 7 14:20:06 UTC 2009

The following reply was made to PR docs/135316; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Glen Barber <gjb35 at>
To: bug-followup at,glen.j.barber at
Subject: Re: docs/135316: [patch][doc] Add 'make installworld' section
 to jails-build.html
Date: Sun, 07 Jun 2009 09:53:08 -0400

 Good ol' Gmail destroyed my patch.  Hopefully this one will come out a little better. 
 -- Glen Barber
 --- /usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml.orig	2009-06-07 09:09:11.000000000 -0400
 +++ /usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/jails/chapter.sgml	2009-06-07 09:22:32.000000000 -0400
 @@ -242,12 +242,25 @@
        <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>setenv D <replaceable>/here/is/the/jail</replaceable></userinput>
  &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir -p $D</userinput> <co id="jailpath">
  &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
 -&prompt.root; <userinput>make world DESTDIR=$D</userinput> <co id="jailworld">
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>make buildworld</userinput>
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>make installworld DESTDIR=$D</userinput> <co id="jailworld">
  &prompt.root; <userinput>cd etc/</userinput> <footnote><para>This step
  is not required on &os; 6.0 and later.</para></footnote>
  &prompt.root; <userinput>make distribution DESTDIR=$D</userinput> <co id="jaildistrib">
  &prompt.root; <userinput>mount -t devfs devfs $D/dev</userinput> <co id="jaildevfs"></screen>
 +     <para>If you have already rebuilt your userland and kernel using <command>make world</command> or 
 +<command>make buildworld</command>, you can skip the buildworld process and install your existing userland into a new jail.</para>
 +      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>setenv D <replaceable>/here/is/the/jail</replaceable></userinput>
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir -p $D</userinput> 
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>make installworld DESTDIR=$D</userinput> 
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>cd etc/</userinput> <footnote><para>This step
 +is not required on &os; 6.0 and later.</para></footnote>
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>make distribution DESTDIR=$D</userinput> 
 +&prompt.root; <userinput>mount -t devfs devfs $D/dev</userinput> </screen>
        <callout arearefs="jailpath">
  	<para>Selecting a location for a jail is the best starting point.

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