Add a Splash Screen Section to the Handbook?

Daniel Seuffert DS at
Thu Nov 20 17:04:03 UTC 2008

Gabor PALI wrote:
> Daniel Seuffert wrote:
>> Please go for it, a lot of desktop users want it.
> Thanks for the support :)
>> Chapter 3 seems appropriate for me.
> Well, I would accept Manolis' suggestion, but I will write about it in a
> direct reply.

I wouldn't object any other place because users will find it
any way if searching by Google or any other means.

>> Wouldn't it be nice to have some FreeBSD specific splash screens in
>> the artwork section or elsewhere and you mention it in your section?
> Artwork section?  Do you mean creating an artwork section?

No, not necessarily. We have

Imho we should have "official" FreeBSD splashs there too in 
any form. It's some sort of marketing and imho there should
be at least three of them available.

Imagine both FreeBSD distributions (PC-BSD and DesktopBSD) 
have their specific boot splashs enabled by default because
most desktop users want it.

Disclaimer: I'm NOT propagating shipping FreeBSD with a 
default splash!

>> Maybe it would be good idea to ask on advocacy for proposals?
> Do you mean the freebsd-advocacy mailing list?  What kind of proposals?

Yes, I mean't freebsd-advocacy.  If we want to ease using 
splashs why don't we ask our users providing some examples?
Or even write a news announcing an "splash contest"?

- Daniel

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