PC-BSD Handbook

Murray Stokely murray.stokely at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 08:22:29 UTC 2007

I'd like to start working on a PC-BSD Handbook.  I think that a lot of
the content in the first two parts of the Handbook could be shared.
For example, the Unix Basics chapter could be included without
modification in a PC-BSD Handbook.

I would prefer to check in something into
doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/pc-bsd-handbook.  The SGML files there would
occasionally include chapters from ../handbook.  The most important
two chapters that we need are a new Chapter 1 : Introduction, and a
new Chapter 2 : Installation.  The next most important chapter to
write is on Ports and Packages.  Once those three chapters are
written, we can put together a useful Handbook specifically for PC-BSD
users that can help raise the profile of PC-BSD.  The PC-BSD
introduction chapter could in turn be added as an appendix to the main

I think we should do this inside the normal FreeBSD Doc Project
framework to raise awareness and produce closer ties between people
working on PC-BSD and the base FreeBSD.

Thoughts or concerns about this?

              - Murray

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