docs/116068: [patch] Add "make config" and "make rmconfig" info to Handbook section on ports

Chess Griffin chess at
Sat Sep 8 02:30:08 UTC 2007

The following reply was made to PR docs/116068; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Chess Griffin <chess at>
To: bug-followup at, chess.griffin at
Subject: Re: docs/116068: [patch] Add "make config" and "make rmconfig" info
 to Handbook section on ports
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2007 21:52:46 -0400

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
 Content-Disposition: inline
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
 Based on feedback I received from Remko, I have updated the diff to fix the=
  indentation after <para>.  I hope it is correct now.  :-)
 --- chapter.sgml.old	2007-09-03 21:48:01.000000000 -0400
 +++ chapter.sgml	2007-09-07 21:48:13.000000000 -0400
 @@ -1117,6 +1117,26 @@
 +      <sect3>
 +	<title>Reconfiguring Ports</title>
 +	<para>When building certain ports, you may be presented with a
 +	  ncurses-based menu from which you can select certain build
 +	  options.  It is not uncommon for users to wish to revisit
 +	  this menu to add, remove, or change these options after a
 +	  port has been built.  There are many ways to do this.  One
 +	  option is to go into the directory containing the port and
 +	  type <command>make config</command>, which will simply
 +	  present the menu again with the same options selected.
 +	  Another option is to use the command <command>make
 +	  showconfig</command> which will show you all the
 +	  configuration options for the port.  Yet another option is
 +	  to type <command>make rmconfig</command> which will remove
 +	  all selected options and allow you to start over.  All of
 +	  these options, and others, are explained in great detail in
 +	  in the man page for &man.ports.7;.</para>
 +      </sect3>
      <sect2 id=3D"ports-removing">
 Chess Griffin
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