Mentor / aide requested

Edwin Groothuis edwin at
Sun Oct 7 03:20:02 UTC 2007

Hello Hiroki,

On Sat, Oct 06, 2007 at 05:27:45PM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Edwin Groothuis <edwin at> wrote
>   in <20071006075907.GA98049 at k7.mavetju>:
> ed> I am looking for somebody who want to help me to get this thing up
> ed> and running again. Initially to get the data there, on the long
> ed> term to support me getting permission to update the datafile myself.
> ed>
> ed> Is there somebody who wants to help me getting this project up and
> ed> running again?
>  I volunteer to help if you agree.  I have experimental patches for
>  en/mutimedia to use XSLT stylesheet instead of perl script and some
>  clean-up patches for the XML database structure.

Aha, that's a good step since there are two camps with regarding
to this project: One which says "yeah, perl can generate pages if
required" and one which says "XSLT is what we want". My XSLT skills
are euhm... less than optimal (far less) and I would welcome any
help available for this :-)

I will contact you via private email if that is okay.


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website:
edwin at    |              Weblog:

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