XVI- World IFTA Congress, 26-29 March, 2008, Porto, Portugal

Paragon-Conventions ilev at paragon-conventions.com
Tue Jun 12 14:39:36 UTC 2007

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   Dear Colleagues

   The International Family Therapy Association has announced that its    16th World Family Therapy Congress will be held in Porto, Portugal
   Marc= h 26-29, 2008. The congress theme is Transformation and
   Globaliza= tion: Family Therapy in the 21st Century.

   The World Family Therapy Congress has a rich history of bringing tog   ether the greatest clinicians from around the world and we invite you
   t= o submit an abstract for consideration for the congress program.
   This= congress will explore how family therapy contributes to the
   changes be= ing experienced by families worldwide; the impact of
   post-modernism on = the field; and Intimacy, Desire, and
   Domesticity. In addition to the = traditional workshops and paper
   sessions, we encourage potential speake= rs to propose creative
   experiences for participants that will increase = opportunities for
   learning and networking. The deadline for abstracts= in October 31,
   2007 and all abstracts must be submitted online at [3]www.par   agon-conventions.com/ifta2008.

   We expect Porto to be one of our most successful congresses ever and   have made sure that the locale and venue provide ample opportunities
   f= or learning, sharing, and networking. We hope that you will
   consider = being a speaker in Porto and submit an abstract.
   [4]Important dates

   Deadline for submission of Abstracts
   October 31, 2007


   Early registration
   November 30, 2007= 

   Congress theme:
   Transformation and Globalizations: Family Therapy in the 2= 1st

   The sub-themes:
   The Global Family in Flux; Intimacy, Desire, and Domestic= ity; and
   Family Therapy in a Post-Modern World. 


   Paragon Conventions 3Ddfg
   18 Avenue Louis-Casai
   5th floor
   1= 209 Geneva, Switzerland
   Tel: +41 22 7477930
   E-mail: [6]ilev at paragon-conventio= ns.com
   Website: [7]www.paragon-convention= s.com
   [8]Join Our Mailing List

   We can update you wi= th upcoming news and changes. Just [9]click
   here we will send you news and updates

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