ntpd man page error

Warren Block wblock at wonkity.com
Sun Jan 28 19:50:55 UTC 2007

The FreeBSD 6.2 ntpd man page shows that -4 and -6 are valid command 
line options, but they are only valid inside a config file like 
ntp.conf, not on the command line:

# ntpd -4
ntpd: unknown option -4
usage: ntpd [ -abdgmnqx ] [ -c config_file ] [ -e e_delay ]
 		[ -f freq_file ] [ -k key_file ] [ -l log_file ]
 		[ -p pid_file ] [ -r broad_delay ] [ -s statdir ]
 		[ -t trust_key ] [ -v sys_var ] [ -V default_sysvar ]

      ntpd -- Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon

      ntpd [-46aAbDdgLmnPqx] [-c conffile] [-f driftfile] [-k keyfile]
           [-l logfile] [-p pidfile] [-r broadcastdelay] [-s statsdir] [-t key]
           [-v variable] [-V variable]

The -4 and -6 were added with version 1.12 of the man page, 2006-05-17.

-Warren Block * Rapid City, South Dakota USA

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