Unix operating system

Joseph Koshy joseph.koshy at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 13:43:38 UTC 2007

FreeBSD specific answers follow:

sh> How can I download Unix operating system?

Downloadable installation media for FreeBSD are linked
to from here:


You should also read the 'Getting started' part of
the FreeBSD Handbook:


sh> How can I study unix by online?

There are a large number of tutorials covering
various aspects of FreeBSD available on the
internet.  In addition there are freely downloadable
books such as Greg Lehey's "The Complete FreeBSD" :

sh> If I study after finish can I get certificate?

There is an effort ongoing to define a certification
standard for the BSD family of operating systems.  Please
visit http://www.bsdcertification.org/.

FreeBSD Volunteer,     http://people.freebsd.org/~jkoshy/

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