[Fwd: End-of-Year Fund Raising Drive]

Deb Goodkin deb at freebsd.org
Mon Dec 10 15:56:04 UTC 2007

I just sent this message out to the announce mailing list. Could someone 
please add this to the newsflash section on the website?

Thank You,


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: End-of-Year Fund Raising Drive
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2007 08:54:19 -0700
From: Deb Goodkin <deb at freebsd.org>
To: freebsd-announce at freebsd.org

Dear FreeBSD Community,

The FreeBSD Foundation is kicking off our End-of-Year Fund Raising
Drive! Our goal this year is to raise over $250,000. And while we’re
very excited to report that we’ve already raised over $218,000 this
year, we still have a little ways to go.  That’s where you come in…

Why do we need donations?

The goal of the FreeBSD Project is to provide software that may be used
for any purpose -- and without strings attached.  Our mission is to
support the FreeBSD Project and community. Our funding comes from people
like you – those who are determined to keep FreeBSD free!

Where does the money go?

•	Sponsoring FreeBSD related conferences.

•	Providing travel grants to developers to attend these conferences.

•	Providing legal support on issues like understanding the GPLv3 impact
on FreeBSD, trademarks, and other legal issues that come up.

•	Providing grants for projects that improve FreeBSD.

Your financial support is critical for the FreeBSD Project.
Please help us keep FreeBSD free. Go to
http://www.freebsdfoundation.org/donate/ to donate (any amount will
help).  And thank you for your continued support of the FreeBSD Foundation.

Thank You,

The FreeBSD Foundation

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