docs/98801: gmirror(8) and glabel(8) manpages should mention geom_{mirror, label}_load

Peter Schuller peter.schuller at
Sun Jun 11 13:20:23 UTC 2006

The following reply was made to PR docs/98801; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Peter Schuller <peter.schuller at>
To: Christian Brueffer <brueffer at>
Cc: FreeBSD-gnats-submit at
Subject: Re: docs/98801: gmirror(8) and glabel(8) manpages should mention geom_{mirror, label}_load
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2006 15:11:14 +0200

 > These are not sysctl variables, but loader instructions. 
 I was not sure about the nomenclature. I ended up doing what I did based on 
 gstripe(8), which lists loader variables under sysctl variables, but with a 
 note saying they cannot be changed after boot (though I realize I forgot to 
 do the latter).
 > Also IMHO they 
 > don't really belong in section 8 manpages.  Instead short section 4
 > manpages for each geom module should be written (some of the information
 > in the section 8 manpages should probably be moved there then).
 On the other hand it is very relevant to anyone reading gmirror(8) or 
 glabel(8).  At the very least it seems adding it to (8) is better than 
 leaving it as-is, not documented at all.
 I can propose new section 4 manpages, but I am not sure how much from their 
 corresponding section 8 manpages really belong there. Would you feel a 
 separate manpage is warranted even if it essentially only contains the 
 relevant loader instructions?
 While there is some information in gmirror(8)/gmirror(9) that refer to the 
 workings of the geom class itself, rather than the tool, I don't know how 
 much sense it makes to try to strip those pages of that information given 
 that it is so directly relevant to operation of the tool. Perhaps the 
 introductory general information on meta-data layout and general operations.
 I presume the section for manpages would preferably be named geom_XXX (in 
 keeping with geom(4)).
 / Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB
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