January TODO list

Marc Fonvieille marc at blackend.org
Thu Jan 12 20:36:08 UTC 2006


Here's the first doc TODO list for 2006.  We (doceng@) tried to set up a
list of documentation issues that need to be resolved.  This list is of
course not complete, many things will be added in next issues.  We will
try to post a such list each month.

We invite everyone to pick up a task or send PRs, and help us to
improve our documentation set.  If you want to work (grab the
responsability) on a listed problem just raise your hand.

FreeBSD Documentation Project TODO list

This is a list of documentation issues that need to be resolved. If you have
any updates for this list, please e-mail doceng at FreeBSD.org.

Handbook Items

   Issue      Status     Responsible      Desired           Description
                                                    The installation chapter
                                                    mostly covers FreeBSD 4.X
                                                    installation. The current
                                                    information is often
Installation                                        outdated and not accurate
chapter               Ceri Davies,      For         for 5.X, 6.X and 7.X. We
needs to be  Not done Giorgos Keramidas 6.1-RELEASE also have to think about
updated                                             installation on various
                                                    platforms. This should be
                                                    done under re@ team
                                                    responsability since the
                                                    installation notes have to
                                                    be updated as well.

                                                    While this chapter covers
Printing                                            in a very accurate way the
chapter                                             configuration of a printer
lacks a                                             under FreeBSD, a quick and
quick and    Not done                               easy printer setup should
easy setup                                          be documented, i.e.,
example                                             something describing the
                                                    installation and use of
                                                    apsfilter or equivalent.

                                                    Nowadays printers use the
USB printers Not done                               USB interface, the printing
                                                    chapter may need to be
                                                    updated on this point.

                                                    The merge of http://
                                        For         /en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/
Wireless     Not done Murray Stokely    6.1-RELEASE wireless/article.html in
                                                    the current wireless
                                                    section should be done

IPsec                                   For         This section still shows
section      Not done                   6.1-RELEASE the use of gifconfig(4)
                                                    which is 4.X only.

                                                    One should check if we need
                                        For         to update the sound section
USB audio    Not done                   6.1-RELEASE for USB devices or if the
                                                    current guidances are still
                                                    correct with these devices.

                                                    This section is really
The                                                 outdated and needs a
Emergency                                           serious "facelifting." We
Restore      Not done                               must show how to restore a
Procedure                                           system using the livefs
section                                             from disc1. The rescue
(16.12.8)                                           system should also be

Backup                                              Backing up on optical media
Basics       Not done Murray Stokely                (CD/DVD) should be
(16.12)                                             presented.

                                                    The use of Makefile
Electronic                                          facilities should be
mail chapter Not done                               introduced for the sendmail
                                                    configuration instead of
                                                    the old outdated way.

                                                    The configuration of inetd
inetd        Not done Ceri Davies       For         changed a bit in 6.X, one
                                        6.1-RELEASE should check if the related
                                                    section is still correct.

                                                    The bsnmpd daemon is quite
                                                    new and its configuration
                                                    may be complex. The minimal
bsnmpd       Not done                               common settings should be
                                                    introduced in a section of
                                                    the Network Servers


  Issue    Status  Responsible Desired                Description
                                        Add the new logo on our web site layout
New logo  Not done Jun                  and create a logo page displaying, and
                   Kuriyama             providing information on right logo

                                        After the introduction of new layout,
                                        many persons reported a font size or
Rendering Not done                      rendering problems under some browsers
issue                                   configurations and screen resolutions.
                                        These problems should be investigated
                                        and fixed.

Manual Pages

Issue Status Responsible Desired Deadline Description

Other Documentations Needs

 Issue   Status  Responsible Desired                 Description
                                      The CUPS system is more and more used, it
                                      would be interesting to have an extensive
CUPS    Not done                      article in our documentation set. This
                                      article should cover CUPS installation
                                      and configuration (with examples of local
                                      and network printers).

                                      We may want to think about the need of a
NanoBSD Not done                      documentation: Handbook section and/or
                                      manual page (this latter seems to be
                                      mandatory) for NanoBSD.

Documentation Toolchain Items

    Issue       Status  Responsible Desired             Description
SGML/XML                                     Add more localization support for
infrastructure Not done Hiroki Sato          XML documentation in the doc and
update                                       www tree.

SGML/XML                                     Use SGML/XML catalog for external
infrastructure Not done Hiroki Sato          file reference for consistency.

SGML/XML                                     Add standard entity reference
infrastructure Not done Hiroki Sato          (such as à) support in XML/
update                                       XSLT documentation.

Legal Notices | (C) 1995-2006 The FreeBSD Project. All rights reserved.

Marc for doceng@
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