Proposed addition to the handbook

Josh Paetzel josh at
Wed Sep 21 20:03:53 UTC 2005

4.5 Using the Ports Collection

The following sections provide basic instructions on using the Ports 
Collection to install or remove programs from your system.

I haven't been able to find any documentation in the handbook that 
tells how to use the various knobs in a port's Makefile.  I suspect 
that there is a fairly large subset of FreeBSD users that don't know 
you can do cd /usr/ports/irc/epic5 && make WITH_SOCKS=yes install

Another question would be if this would go beyond the 'basic 
instructions' statement at the top of the page.

If is determined to be a 'worthy-cost' I can do up a proposal 
explaining how to determine and use  make arguements to a port. 


Josh Paetzel

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