cvsup-advanced article

Joseph Koshy joseph.koshy at
Sun Nov 27 04:54:47 UTC 2005

jp> I thought the tag for ports was .

It is, if you wish to track ports development.

My understanding is that the ports tree on the ISO
image corresponds to CVS tag RELEASE_X_Y_Z, so the
first time around you would specify that when running
CVSup.  This step will only create a
"checkouts.cvs:RELEASE_X_Y_Z" file since nothing else
needs to be done on the local file system.

Now if you edit your cvsupfile to require "tag=.", and
rename "checkouts.cvs:TAG_NAME" to "checkouts.cvs:.",
when CVSup runs it will look for "checkouts.cvs:."
and will find it.  It will then update the local
filesystem and its checkouts.cvs database in the usual

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