docs/80611: Missing items in supported hardware list on your site for FreeSD 4.11 and 5.x

Matteo Riondato matteo at
Tue Jun 21 16:46:33 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 11:01:07AM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> Aren't the hardware notes supposed to be generated from the man pages for most 
> drivers now?  If ata's man page isn't being used to generate the hardware 
> notes for ata(4) then perhaps the PR should be reopened with the goal of 
> fixing that.

I discussed this with simon and it was discussed before: this is done
on purpouse and someone has a patch for this, but they prefer to keep
the situation as it is now.
Best Regards
Matteo Riondato
FreeBSD Volunteer (
G.U.F.I. Staff Member (
FreeSBIE Developer (

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