docs/80611: Missing items in supported hardware list on your site for FreeSD 4.11 and 5.x

Stijn Hoop stijn at
Tue Jun 21 06:33:06 UTC 2005

On Tue, Jun 21, 2005 at 06:23:27AM +0000, Matteo Riondato wrote:
> Synopsis: Missing items in supported hardware list on your site for FreeSD 4.11 and 5.x
> State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
> State-Changed-By: matteo
> State-Changed-When: Tue Jun 21 06:22:36 GMT 2005
> State-Changed-Why: 
> ata(4) supported devices are not listed in the Hardware Notes because the list would be too long and never complete.

At least on -CURRENT, this is wrong:

     The currently supported ATA/SATA controller chips are:


     nVidia:         nForce, nForce2, nForce3.

I'd say the originator has a point -- if the nForce is documented, why not
it's successors?


Q: Why is Batman better than Bill Gates?
A: Batman was able to beat the Penguin.
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