Slackware Handbook

Christian Brueffer chris at
Tue Jan 25 12:39:57 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jan 23, 2005 at 11:13:40AM -0800, Narayan Newton wrote:
> Hello,
> We at are creating a website to recreate the FreeBSD
> handbook for the Slackware Linux distribution. The quality and
> completeness of
> the FreeBSD docs is unparalleled in Linux. We feel that a "Slackware
> Handbook" would be very useful to many people.
> We have a wiki-like setup that will ease the burden of
> administration and allow the community to moderate the content. What
> would also help is to be able to copy sections of the FreeBSD handbook
> that are the same on Slackware. It is our understanding that the FreeBSD
> documentation is under a BSD-like license that allows copying and
> modification if the copyright is retained.
> We would like to confirm this and ask for permission to use the material
> from the FreeBSD Documentation community, as many have
> worked very hard to make this what it is. License or no, it wouldn't be
> right in our view to copy sections without approval of the community.

Yes, the handbook and most (all?) of the other documentation is
distributed under a BSD license.

for more information.

So, as long as you honor the license, there's no problem in copying
sections and adapting them to Slackware (e.g. the DragonFly BSD guys
have done the same,
Many sections have a 'Contributed by...' text on top, would be nice
if you'd keep them (although it's not required by the license).

Always nice to see that our work is useful to someone :-)

- Christian

Christian Brueffer	chris at	brueffer at
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