Events in iCalendar format

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Wed Aug 17 11:09:47 UTC 2005

Ceri Davies <ceri at> wrote
  in <20050817091544.GO55885 at>:

ce> On Wed, Aug 17, 2005 at 07:01:43AM +0900, Hiroki Sato wrote:
ce> > Ceri Davies <ceri at> wrote
ce> >   in <20050816213442.GN55885 at>:
ce> >
ce> > ce>
ce> > ce> I made the attached patch so that we generate an events.ics that people
ce> > ce> can subscribe to.  It's based on a quick run through of RFC 2445 and may
ce> > ce> not be immensely robust, but Mozilla Sunbird, Microsoft Entourage and
ce> > ce> Apple's iCal all seem to dig it.
ce> >
ce> >  Hmm, could you please put the XSLT stylesheet into the language-independent
ce> >  directory?
ce> Sure; there doesn't seem to be one at the moment though.  Should I use
ce> www/share/xsl?

 I think www/share/sgml is enough for the moment.  The name is a bit odd,
 but separating xml, xslt, and sgml from each other is not important and
 grouping them in one directory is easy to handle because they depend on
 each other closely.

 I do not stick to this idea, though.

| Hiroki SATO
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