review request: 2TB disk limit in disks chapter

Brooks Davis brooks at
Mon Sep 13 20:20:25 UTC 2004

People are starting to build disk arrays larger then 2TB and then
finding they can't label them.  I'd like to add some text like the
following to the handbook section on adding disks.  A table of
capabilities would probably be useful and could be an intresting project
for someone who wanted to do a little research, but I'm specificaly
trying to address bsdlabel at this point.

Please review my changes below.


Index: chapter.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.220
diff -u -p -r1.220 chapter.sgml
--- chapter.sgml	25 Aug 2004 10:33:59 -0000	1.220
+++ chapter.sgml	13 Sep 2004 20:14:19 -0000
@@ -202,6 +202,12 @@
       case, the drive will be added simply as
+    <para>Due to the use of 32-bit integers to store the number of sectors, 
+      &man.bsdlabel.8, &man.disklabel.8, &man.fdisk.8, and
+      <application>sunlabel</application> are all limited to 2^32-1
+      sectors.  This usually translates to a 2TB limit on disk size.
+      For larger disks, &man.gpt.8 partitions may be used.</para>
       <title>Using &man.sysinstall.8;</title>

Any statement of the form "X is the one, true Y" is FALSE.
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