handbook, section 15.2

platanthera platanthera at web.de
Mon May 3 12:50:31 UTC 2004

hi there.

i think about rewriting section 15.2 (browsers) of the handbook. i'd suggest 
the following structure

15.2 browsers
15.2.1 intro
    - telling that there's a large number of browsers available for x11 as 
well as for the text console
  - stating that the reader is expected to know how to install and update 
  - telling that some browsers/plugins require linux compatibility to be 
enabled and that it's therefore highler recommended to have read chapter 22.2

15.2.2 overview of browsers
  - based on 15.2.1, 15.2.3 and 15.2.4 of the current version, but without 
mentioning how to install a port/package
  - eventually konqueror and 'mozilla-derived' browsers should be included

15.2.3 plugins
  - 15.2.2 of the current version
  - linux-pluginwrapper
  - plugger

what do you think?

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