Creating an Admin Handbook

Steve Bertrand steveb at
Tue Jul 20 18:47:15 UTC 2004

> I don't know if I agree with merging all the content of the FAQ
> into the handbook, but I _will_ agree that the FAQ needs to die.
> It is a complete grab-bag of 'stuff' and as such is pretty close
> to unreadable.
> A completely cool project would be to find something that would
> allow us to grind up the contents of the FAQ, the release notes,
> the hardware support info in the (4) manpages, and probably other
> things that I'm forgetting, and spit them out as a knowledge base.
> Does anyone here know of any other Open Source project that is
> doing something like that?

How about a wiki. Spamassassin uses one, and it seems quite intuitive.


> mcl
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