Mouseover definitions for acronyms (was Re: RFC: initialisms and FDP)

Murray Stokely murray at
Sun Jul 18 13:21:46 UTC 2004

On Sun, Jul 18, 2004 at 12:02:25PM +0200, Marc Fonvieille wrote:
> Well for me "it looks weird", I mean I see too much dotted underlines :)
> just look at the 23.4.2 section for example... or some titles.  Many
> different acronyms in one text could lead to something "difficult" to
> read.
> I think rendering the first three ones should be enough, if one needs to
> know the meaning of NIS, it's at the beginning of the text not at the
> end.


> Now an "innocent" question: if we use first four acronyms (1 for the
> glossary, the rest for the mouseover thing), do we need to tag the
> remaining ones (with an entity or <acronym> tags)?  I'm thinking about a
> section not a whole chapter.

We could handle this in either the stylesheets or in the SGML files.
I personally think that there is no need to add the <acronym> tags
throughout the chapter -- just the first four will suffice.

     - Murray

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