docs/61282: [patch] update to FAQ, 5.2 RELEASE is out...

Bruce A. Mah bmah at
Tue Jan 13 05:30:50 UTC 2004

Synopsis: [patch] update to FAQ, 5.2 RELEASE is out...

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: bmah
State-Changed-When: Mon Jan 12 21:27:55 PST 2004
The HTML version of the FAQ is generated from DocBook sources,
which *do* have variables to hold the last released version of
FreeBSD.  I updated those about nine hours does take
a little while for a Web site build to pick up the changes, but
when I just checked now the Web site had the correct content.

Thanks for trying to help!  If you're interested in how the
Web site, etc. work, I encourage you to look through the FreeBSD
Documentation Primer.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-doc->bmah
Responsible-Changed-By: bmah
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Jan 12 21:27:55 PST 2004
I closed this.

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