12.5 Creating and Using Optical Media (CDs & DVDs) 12.5 Creating and Using Optical Media by Mike Meyer

Frank A. Greco fagreco at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 13 13:14:15 UTC 2004

Dear Doc,

I'm running FreeBSD 4.2 and recently added a Memorex Ultraspeed
CD-recorder (ATAPI).  Everything ran without error messages but
the last data file was always unreadable.  If I mounted the cd.iso file as a
vnode, the last data file could be read.  Using

mkisofs -pad -o cd.iso data_directory

solved the problem.  I don't know enough about cd burners to speculate
whether this is unique to Memorex, but I suspect it is more general than
that.  I hope this could be of use to others.  Thanks.

Frank Greco

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