
Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Wed Feb 4 05:11:27 UTC 2004

On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 08:18:41PM -0800, Root hub.FreeBSD.ORG wrote:
> test...

When all else fails, ping as root...  :-/

Good news and bad news.  You probably can figure out what the good news
is on your own given the ton of freebsd-doc email you needed to wade
through to get to this message.  The bad news is for the people who
are subscribed for a "digest" mode of receiving the mailing list
messages.  I'm afraid the problem with the list was some sort of
subtle corruption in the "pending digest" file.  I managed to catch
Peter tonight and he gave me enough hints to locate the overall
problem.  I made several attempts at isolating exactly what in the
digest file was messed up but I couldn't (testing involves shutting
down both mailman and postfix on hub, not something you can do very
often...).  So for now the entire pending digest file got moved out
of the way.

I might try to do a little more testing offline somehow if I can but
at the moment I'm afraid I need to just punt on the currently pending
digest.  It spans messages from Jan 24th through today.  The Web
archiver is still churning away so it will still be a day or so before
the backlog of messages that just popped loose makes it to the Web
archive but maybe you can catch anything you missed there.

We're sorry for the inconveniences this has caused.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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