can someone help me find ...

Matthew George mdg at
Wed Dec 22 21:13:46 UTC 2004

Joel Dahl wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-12-22 at 14:00 -0500, Matthew George wrote:
>>Some time ago, I came across a paper describing in great detail the FreeBSD 
>>Development Process and software lifecycle.  I'm having trouble locating it now, 
>>and was wondering if anyone could throw me a pointer.  It's not any of the 
>>standard /usr/share/doc or website releng stuff.  I remember it talking at 
>>length about the way releases evolve WRT cvs tagging ...
>>The paper at (Putting it 
>>All in the Trunk: Incremental Software Development in the FreeBSD Open Source 
>>Project) seems close to the paper I'm looking for, but the one I want was more 
>>focused on an analysis of the development model and wasn't based on a survey of 
>>Does this ring a bell with anybody?
> ?
> Also available from the CVS rep., but not hooked up to the doc build.

ah, this is it! Thanks!

Matthew George
SecureWorks Technical Operations

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