CFD: one more patch to the Committer's Guide

Mark Linimon linimon at
Wed Dec 22 08:59:28 UTC 2004

there is now some duplicate text in the the Committer's Guide that
has to do with creating a new ports category (the other text moved
to the Porter's Handbook).  This patch removes it -- but, while
here, adds the last few (?) forgotten details of this (really
involved) procedure.

I would appreciate any review (and I promise not to forget to include
fixes like I did for Denis ...)


Index: article.sgml
RCS file: /home/dcvs/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/committers-guide/article.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.219
diff -u -r1.219 article.sgml
--- article.sgml	22 Dec 2004 07:54:15 -0000	1.219
+++ article.sgml	22 Dec 2004 08:56:14 -0000
@@ -2654,16 +2654,29 @@
-	    <para>A developer who wishes to propose a new category
-	      should submit a detailed rationale for the new category,
-	      including why existing categories are not sufficient,
-	      and the list of ports proposed to move.</para>
-	    <para>Before submitting, keep in mind that there is a fair
-	      amount of work involved from multiple parties; that the
-	      changes affect everyone who wants to keep up-to-date with
-	      the entire ports tree; and that such proposals tend to
-	      attract controversy.</para>
+	    <para>Please see
+	      <ulink url="&url.books.porters-handbook;/makefile-categories.html#PROPOSING-CATEGORIES">
+	      Proposing a New Category</ulink> in the Porter's Handbook.
+	      Once that procedure has been followed and the PR has been
+	      assigned to &a.portmgr;, it is their decision whether or
+	      not to approve it.  If they do, it is their responsibility
+	      to do the following:</para>
+	    <procedure>
+	      <step>
+		<para>Perform any needed repocopies.</para>
+	      </step>
+	      <step>
+		<para>Update the <makevar>VALID_CATEGORIES</makevar>
+		  definition in <filename>ports/Mk/</filename>.
+		</para>
+	      </step>
+	      <step>
+		<para>Assign the PR back to you.</para>
+	      </step>
+	    </procedure>
@@ -2676,18 +2689,6 @@
 	    <para>The procedure is a strict superset of the one to
 	      repocopy individual ports (see above).</para>
-	    <para>File a PR in <application>GNATS</application>, listing the
-	      reasons for the category request.  Preferably, this should
-	      also include patches for <filename>Makefile</filename>s for
-	      the old ports, the <filename>Makefile</filename>s for their
-	      old categories, and the <makevar>VALID_CATEGORIES</makevar>
-	      definition in <filename>ports/Mk/</filename>.
-	      Assign the PR to the &a.portmgr; (as <literal>portmgr</literal>).
-	      If they approve it, it will be reassigned to &a.cvsadm; (as
-	      <literal>cvs</literal>), who will do a repository copy from
-	      the old to the new locations and reassign the PR back to you.
-	      Once everything is done, perform the following steps:</para>
 		  <para>Upgrade each copied port's
@@ -2785,14 +2786,37 @@
 		    <filename>list.cvs</filename> and
 		    <filename>releases</filename>.  (Note: these are
-		    in the src, not the ports, repository).</para>
+		    in the src, not the ports, repository).  If you
+		    are not a src committer, you will need to submit
+		    a PR for this.</para>
-		  <para>Submit a docs PR to add the new category to both the
+		  <para>Update the documentation by modifying the
+		    following:</para>
+		  <itemizedlist>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>the
 		    <ulink url="&url.books.porters-handbook;/makefile-categories.html#PORTING-CATEGORIES">
-		    Porter's Handbook</ulink> and to
+		    list of categories</ulink> in the Porter's Handbook</para>
+		    </listitem>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>
+		    </listitem>
+		    <listitem>
+		      <para>the section of the Handbook that lists the
+			<ulink url="&url.books.handbook;/cvsup.html#CVSUP-COLLEC">
+			cvsup collections</ulink>.</para>
+		    </listitem>
+		  </itemizedlist>
+		  <para>(Note: these are
+		    in the docs, not the ports, repository).  If you
+		    are not a docs committer, you will need to submit
+		    a PR for this.</para>

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