Explaination of an extract from the handbook Firewall Section

Matteo Riondato rionda at gufi.org
Tue Dec 21 19:47:53 UTC 2004

<para><literal>device pf</literal> tells the compile to include
       Packet Filter as part of its core kernel.</para>

What is "the compile"? I assume it should be "the compiler" but I can be

What is "its" referred to? I don't think a "compile" (or a "compiler"
does have core kernel.

Is there a missing word?

Best Regards
Rionda aka Matteo Riondato
GUFI Staff Member (http://www.gufi.org)
FreeSBIE Developer (http://www.freesbie.org)
BSD-FAQ-it Main Developer (http://utenti.gufi.org/~rionda)
Sent from: kaiser.sig11.org running FreeBSD-6.0-CURRENT
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