Time for a Network Handbook?

Eric Anderson anderson at centtech.com
Mon Dec 6 14:37:56 UTC 2004

Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
> On 2004-12-05 13:28, Eric Anderson <anderson at centtech.com> wrote:
>>Nik Clayton wrote:
>>>Anybody got any strong feelings about moving the existing "Network
>>>Communication" <part> out of the Handbook, and using it to seed a new
>>>FreeBSD Networking Handbook?
>>What's the reasoning behind it?  I like it in the Handbook personally -
>>it fits with the rest of the book.
> It moves us one step closer to the holy grail of a "handbook collection"
> -- a collection of books that will cover more specific topics, i.e.:
> 	User's Handbook
> 	Admin's Handbook
> 	Programmer's Handbook
> 	System Programmer's Handbook
> 	Networking Handbook
> etc. :-)

Ok - I like that idea - but I'd like to say that some work needs to be 
done on the "Documentation" page (http://www.freebsd.org/docs.html). 
 From the main FreeBSD page, if you click on Documentation, it brings 
you to this page.  I think the page isn't really too intuitive, and 
should be reorganized to make it a bit simpler to navigate.  It's a 
small thing, but I've watched two people glance right down the page and 
miss ALL the handbooks already there, because it's under a heading 
called "Books" and they are thinking that means something you can buy at 
a bookstore.

Also - I think it might be handy to have the 'Handbook' link on the main 
site then point to a 'Handbooks' page, that has all the handbooks on it, 
with a short paragraph underneath each one describing it's intent or 

Just some thoughts..


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
When in doubt, mumble; when in trouble, delegate; when in charge, ponder

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