Doc BoF at EuroBSDCon

Jesus R. Camou jcamou at
Sat Dec 4 01:54:27 UTC 2004

On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 04:57:04PM -0500, Tom Rhodes wrote:
> True.  In src/ there are some places where no one is working
> and anyone with a clue in that area could come in and just
> start working on it.  In the doc project, everyone works everywhere.

Translation teams do it as in src/, basically.  If no one is
working on a randomly choosen doc, the translator will take it.
This is just a thinking, after all the docproj include translation
teams, right? 

> Not really sure what the best way to go about getting things
> done around here would be other than:
> Post a list of tasks of mixed sizes,
> Request people (people, not committers not contributors) to grab a task,
> Commit completed work after some minor/major review,
> As one task is completed another is grabbed up.

This is actually a great idea, I think.  A list providing the
task and the person working on it (either a committer or a
contributor) will be useful.  I was thinking of something like
the releng list of tasks (or schedule).  Trying to complete
some of the task before the upcoming next release. An expected
and actual time for the task to be done could somehow `push'
the doc hacker to finish it.  I have seen a lot of people working
on something and then throwing it away and getting something
else to work on.  Of course, no penalties if the person doesn't
finish the task on time ;)

By doing this, everybody would be working on a specific task
without interfering on the others work.  After finishing with
one task, then grab another, just as trhodes said. 

> Hopefully some others will chime in here and let me know how
> they feel about this.  Perhaps we should 'elect' a temporary
> project manager and just start getting things done.  Perhaps
> that is a bad idea.  I don't know, what does everybody
> think?

I think it will improve the way the docproj works.  Lets read

Jesus R. Camou <jcamou at>
jcamou at

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