help !!!!!!

John Baldwin jhb at
Wed Aug 18 16:26:09 UTC 2004

On Wednesday 18 August 2004 06:48 am, indunil wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed FREEBSD 5.2.1. I can telnet to Free BSD box from Windows 2000
> client. I can telnet to it with my USERNAME and PASSWORD. Then I want to be
> root. So I issue SU - ( or SU - root).  then FreeBSD box asks me the
> passwrd (root's password ). when I give root's password, FreeBSD box does
> not accept . Why ? Pls help me ...

A better place to ask these sorts of questions is on the 
freebsd-questions at mailing list.  Note that you need to be in the 
'wheel' group in order to use su on BSD-based operating systems.

John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve"  =

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