Lowercase attribute names [Was: Re: small fix in the new-users article]

Peter Pentchev roam at ringlet.net
Mon Aug 9 13:43:26 UTC 2004

On Fri, Aug 06, 2004 at 01:08:48PM +0200, Marco Trentini wrote:
> In the last commit I've noted URL in upper case.

It seems that both <ulink url=".."> and <ulink URL=".."> are valid,
and both of them are used quite often throughout the whole articles/
and books/ directories.  According to "DocBook: The Definitive Guide",
in SGML DocBook all element and attribute names are case-insensitive, so
it's okay to keep them that way.

However, Norman Walsch does warn that lowercase names should be used for
XML DocBook.  I'm not sure what the FreeBSD Documentation Project's
stance is on XML compatibility and on eventually moving to XML DocBook;
if this is the goal, then at some point we should do a search-and-replace
over most of the project's documents, since there are quite a few
URL=".." attributes all over the place.  What do people think about that?


Peter Pentchev	roam at ringlet.net    roam at cnsys.bg    roam at FreeBSD.org
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