Error in Spanish translation files.

Giorgos Keramidas keramida at
Thu May 22 10:41:19 UTC 2003

On 2003-05-21 16:56, Tom Rhodes <trhodes at> wrote:
> While testing Simon's recently submitted doc patch, I obtained this
> error.  Could a Spanish translator (jesusr) look into this please?
> Note: This is a full build, not a make lint.
> /bin/cat /usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/../../../share/misc/docbook.css > docbook.css
> /usr/local/bin/jade -V html-manifest -ioutput.html -d /usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/../../../share/sgml/default.dsl -V %generate-legalnotice-link% -V %generate-docformat-navi-link% -ioutput.html.images   -D /usr/obj/usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq -c /usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/../../../es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/catalog -c /usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/../../../share/sgml/catalog  -c /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl/modular/catalog -c /usr/local/share/sgml/iso8879/catalog  -c /usr/local/share/sgml/docbook/catalog -c /usr/local/share/sgml/jade/catalog   -t sgml /usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.sgml
> /usr/local/bin/jade:/usr/home/trhodes/work/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/books/faq/../../../share/sgml/freebsd.dsl:190:31:E: missing argument for function call
> /usr/local/bin/tidy -i -m -raw -preserve -f /dev/null -asxml  $(/usr/bin/xargs < HTML.manifest)

The DSSSL function that generates the manpage links has changed in the
English docs.  It now takes an *optional* argument, instead of a
mandatory argument.  The following diff synchronizes the Spanish version
of freebsd.dsl with the current state of the English one... and fixes
the build, of course.

Can you, Tom, or Jesus take care of this?

--- patch starts here ---
Index: es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl
RCS file: /home/ncvs/doc/es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 freebsd.dsl
--- es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl	3 Nov 2002 12:48:18 -0000	1.8
+++ es_ES.ISO8859-1/share/sgml/freebsd.dsl	21 May 2003 21:32:40 -0000
@@ -53,9 +58,19 @@
         (define %refentry-xref-link% #t)
         <!-- Specify how to generate the man page link HREF -->
-        (define ($create-refentry-xref-link$ refentrytitle manvolnum)
-	  (string-append ""
-			 refentrytitle "&" "sektion=" manvolnum))
+	(define ($create-refentry-xref-link$ #!optional (n (current-node)))
+	  (let* ((r (select-elements (children n) (normalize "refentrytitle")))
+		 (m (select-elements (children n) (normalize "manvolnum")))
+		 (v (attribute-string (normalize "vendor") n))
+		 (u (string-append ""
+			 (data r) "&" "sektion=" (data m))))
+	    (case v
+	      (("current") (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+5.0-current"))
+	      (("xfree86") (string-append u "&" "manpath=XFree86+4.3.0"))
+	      (("netbsd")  (string-append u "&" "manpath=NetBSD+1.6.1"))
+	      (("ports")   (string-append u "&" "manpath=FreeBSD+Ports"))
+	      (else u))))
       <!-- More aesthetically pleasing chapter headers for print output --> 
--- patch ends here ---

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