Improper Information??

Josef El-Rayes j.el-rayes at
Fri Jul 25 14:39:44 UTC 2003

Ash Christopher <achrsto at> wrote:
> The following website describes how to install the FreeBSD jdk....but alas there is no /usr/ports/java/jdk directory.

just to give you a quick respond (without having a look at the

There are quite some jdk related ports in the ports tree.

jdk13/ and jdk14/ in die portdir/java directory are for installing
nativ built java developement kits(sun version).

if you want use it via linux compatibilty there are the linux prebuildt
from sun (linux-sun-jdk*).

if you dont want to use sun's jdks, then there is also the blackdown
projects's jdks (linux-blackdown-jdk*) and there are the ones from ibm

if you are unsure, i propose you to chose either jdk14/ or

greets, josef

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