...but useful results, nonetheless: an article about NFS

Chuck Swiger cswiger at mac.com
Mon Jul 7 04:43:57 UTC 2003

Hiroki Sato wrote:
> Chuck Swiger <cswiger at mac.com> wrote
[ ... ]
> cswiger> 6-sec% jade -v
> cswiger> jade:I: Jade version "1.2.1"
> cswiger> jade:I: SP version "1.3.4"
>  Probably you use jade port, versions prior to 1.2.1_2.
>  Jade does not support DTDDECL, but in 1.2.1_2 and later
>  a patch which suppresses the warning is included.
>  So you have to upgrade jade port, I think.

Thank you for the feedback.  I am using that version of the jade port:

13-sec% pkg_info | grep jade
jade-1.2.1_2        An object-oriented SGML/XML parser toolkit and DSSSL engine

...and my local copy of the ports collection is up-to-date.  Odd.  Well, I've 
removed the DTDDECL lines and that seems to be fine for now.

Thanks again,

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