Upgrading to 5.0

Christopher Nehren apeiron at comcast.net
Wed Apr 16 13:02:38 UTC 2003

On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 06:47, Dave wrote:
> Either I've missed it (if this is the case, can someone
> direct me to the docs), and if not.. Can any gurus out there put out a
> nice guide for The Lost Ones (i.e., me)  to somewhat safely go from 4.X to
> 5.0 (especially for non-CD people, like cvs(up), etc.. ) ?

You're right, you did miss it. Check out the Early Adopter's Guide
(http://www.freebsd.org/releases/5.0R/early-adopter.html) and read
UPDATING. They specifically mention the larger amount of space required,
and I presume that I don't need to explain UPDATING to you since you're
going to 5.0 (since you should know to read it anyway).

This sort of thing is why they suggest 5.0 for 'advanced' users. Though
I'm nowhere near an 'advanced' user, I had no problem setting it up,
besides having to rebuild all of my ports because of a gettext issue
(though I was going to rebuild them with my shiny new compiler anyway,
so that's really moot). Read UPDATING, make sure to remove your old
Perl, etc.
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