Need some further understanding of MariaDB/MySQL on ZFS

Morgan Wesström freebsd-database at
Wed Nov 23 15:58:33 UTC 2016

On 2016-11-23 09:35, Miroslav Lachman wrote:
> Morgan Wesström wrote on 2016/11/22 23:15:
>> innodb_data_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb
>> innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb/logs
>> When I start the server the first time the InnoDB folders are correctly
>> populated with some default files like innodb/ibdata1 and
>> innodb/logs/ib_logfile0. But as soon as I create a new database (foo)
>> with InnoDB tables, the server creates a /var/db/mysql/foo folder and
>> populates it with ibd and frm files whereas I would've expected it to
>> create it as /var/db/mysql/innodb/foo to inherit the correct 16K
>> recordsize.
>> Is this correct? Shouldn't it be created under /var/db/mysql/innodb?
>> Have I missed some vital configuration option?
> I don't think it works the way you are expecting.
> If you have innodb_file_per_table Off, then all InnoDB / XtraDB tables
> are stored in ib_data file(s) in innodb_data_home_dir =
> /var/db/mysql/innodb
> But some metadata (frm files) are stored in /var/db/mysql/databasename/
> If you have innodb_file_per_table On, then all tables data are stored in
> /var/db/mysql/databasename/ and only internal InnoDB data are stored in
> /var/db/mysql/innodb/ib_data

Thank you Miroslav, this was the vital piece of information I needed. It 
seems MySQL changed the default value of innodb_file_per_table from 0 to 
1 with version 5.6.

The parameter isn't mentioned in any of the online ZFS/MySQL wikis or 
blogs that I've found, not even FreeBSD's own wiki. I assume this change 
could interfere with people running production systems on ZFS. 
Personally I'm reluctant to change default values unless I have a very 
good reason to do so, so I will try to find a way to adapt to it. Your 
suggestion to put the whole of /var/db/mysql on a 16K recordsize (except 
for the logs directory) is probably the way to go. I just need to delve 
a little bit further into the subject before I make up my mind. Thank 
you again for pointing me in the right direction.


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