Need some further understanding of MariaDB/MySQL on ZFS

Morgan Wesström freebsd-database at
Tue Nov 22 22:44:54 UTC 2016

Hi list, first time poster here but long time FreeBSD user.

I'm migrating my FreeBSD based home router to FreeBSD 11 and ZFS on 
root. This also includes moving my MariaDB databases to ZFS. I've 
studied the wiki guide as well as several other sources on this subject 
and I understand the complex interaction between ZFS and the internal 
InnoDB and MyISAM database structures.

I've created the following datasets:

mount point /var/db/mysql

mount point /var/db/mysql/innodb

mount point /var/db/mysql/innodb/logs

My my.cnf contains (among others) these lines to move InnoDB databases 
to the correct folders:

innodb_data_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb/logs

When I start the server the first time the InnoDB folders are correctly 
populated with some default files like innodb/ibdata1 and 
innodb/logs/ib_logfile0. But as soon as I create a new database (foo) 
with InnoDB tables, the server creates a /var/db/mysql/foo folder and 
populates it with ibd and frm files whereas I would've expected it to 
create it as /var/db/mysql/innodb/foo to inherit the correct 16K recordsize.

Is this correct? Shouldn't it be created under /var/db/mysql/innodb? 
Have I missed some vital configuration option?

Kind Regards
Morgan Wesström

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