/usr/bin/diff - incorrectly says files are identical

Jamie Landeg-Jones jamie at catflap.org
Tue Jan 12 17:04:22 UTC 2021

When diff hits certain access errors, function diffreg() shows the error message, and then returns to the calling function, which calls print_status() with the return value.

However, in these cases, the return value isn't changed from the initial default value of D_SAME.

Normally, print_status() with a value of D_SAME does nothing, so this works out ok, however, if the "-s" flag is set, a message is displayed showing identicality:

case D_SAME:
                if (sflag)
                        printf("Files %s%s and %s%s are identical\n",                                                                                                       path1, entry, path2, entry);

This then produces such results as:

% diff  -s /COPYRIGHT /var/run/rpcbind.sock
diff: /var/run/rpcbind.sock: Operation not supported
Files /COPYRIGHT and /var/run/rpcbind.sock are identical

% diff  -s /COPYRIGHT /etc/master.passwd
diff: /etc/master.passwd: Permission denied
Files /COPYRIGHT and /etc/master.passwd are identical

Further details, and fixing patch here: https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=252614

Cheers, Jamie

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