Failure of release build with on 14-CURRENT amd64

Michael Gmelin freebsd at
Thu Feb 4 10:58:19 UTC 2021

> On 4. Feb 2021, at 10:47, Yasuhiro Kimura <yasu at> wrote:
> It's a bit off topic from the first question, but please let me ask
> another one.
> When everything is default, devel/git and textproc/docproj are
> installed in chroot environment after building userland and installing
> it to chroot has completed. While the former is installed by using
> official package, the latter is installed by using ports tree checked
> out in chroot.
> Then is there any reason doing so? Why aren't both of them installed
> by using offical package nor by using ports tree?

I would assume that this is because

- textproc/docproj is the FreeBSD Documentation Project and therefore you always want to have the latest version, especially when working with CURRENT (so it’s part of our development effort).
- git is a third party tool maintained outside of the project (we won’t change it as part of developing FreeBSD)


> ---
> Yasuhiro Kimura
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