-CURRENT and drm-devel-kmod

Emmanuel Vadot manu at bidouilliste.com
Fri Jul 10 22:03:24 UTC 2020

On Fri, 10 Jul 2020 23:57:52 +0200
Andreas Nilsson <andrnils at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been running -CURRENT on my x1 yoga 1st gen for a long time, with
> drm-current-kmod. As I understand it that port is no longer recommended and
> one should run drm-devel-kmod . 

 I don't think that somebody ever said that.
 For now use current if that works for you.

> However, when I load i915kms from -devel
> the console stops refreshing. It only refreshes when I switch
> (Ctrl+alt+Fx). I see it refresh and display the new content just before
> switching to the requested console.

 add hw.i915kms.enable_psr=0 to /boot/loader.conf
 This is a bug that none of my hardware have and I don't really know
what's happening for now.

> X behaves the same way. Has anyone experienced this?
> Best regards
> Andreas
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Emmanuel Vadot <manu at bidouilliste.com>

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